The lookback app login credentials are link to the same profile used on If you already have a profile on tastylive you don't need to sign up again! Use that email/password to sign into the lookback app

Link to lookback!

1 - Sign into the app via your tastylive login credentials

2- Enter a Symbol in the symbol search box

3- Select which expiration you want to use as opening order days until expiration. Then select which delta option you want to trade. You can select up to 4 legs and adjust quantity by clicking the bid/ask price multiple times.

4 - Click the "Forecast Profit/loss" button to view the risk profile of the current selected position. Hovering your mouse over the green/red shaded cone will give you the estimated profit/loss of that position given that stock price

5 - Clicking "Analysis" will bring up a standard risk profile "hockey stick" type graph of the positions P/L at given price points

6 - Clicking "Backtest" will bring you to the backtesting menu to add legs or configure the trade mechanics such as profit targets, stop loss, and exit management. Once you have selected your preferences, click "Run Backtest"!